SIGNeV: The Network of Italian Scientists in Germany
Become a member of SIGNeV, an inclusive network open to individuals of any nationality who are currently active or have recently been active in Germany in science or technology—whether in academia or industry. If you have received scientific education or training, or held research positions in Italy, and are now active in Germany, you are eligible to apply.
We welcome scientists from all STEM disciplines, life sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Scientists trained in Germany and now active in Italy are also welcome, as well as institutions representing science in both countries.
SIGNeV is a non-profit organization officially registered as "SIGNeV - Scienziati Italiani in Germania in Network (
Netzwerk italienischer WissenschaftlerInnen in Deutschland) e. V." with the District Court (
Amtsgericht) Berlin-Charlottenburg, registration number VR40051B, and the European Unique Identifier (EUID) DEF1103R.VR4005. The association’s seat is located at the Italian Embassy in Berlin (
Hiroshimastraße 1, 10785 Berlin), and its honorary president is the Italian Ambassador
pro tempore.
Join us
Membership is subject to approval by the Executive Board. This web page will soon open an automatic association page, till then you can ask your association with an informal email to
Support SIGNeV
Your Donation is 100% Tax-Deductible in Germany! We sincerely appreciate your support! You can make a donation via wire transfer to the IBAN DE58 8505 0300 0221 2722 59 (BIC: OSDDDE81XXX; account owner: SIGN e.V.; bank: Ostsächsischen Sparkasse Dresden), using the word “
Spende” as the
Verwendungszweck (purpose of payment). For donations
over 300 euros, please include your
postal address and email in the
Verwendungszweck. We will provide you with a
Spendenquittung (donation receipt) for tax purposes. Please note that, for donations
up to 300 euros, claiming your tax deduction is simple: a “
simplified proof” is sufficient. This can be a
bank-stamped deposit slip, a bank statement, or a printed confirmation from your online banking.
Thank you for supporting SIGNeV!